The students at Looking Glass Center Point School had a special visitor this week when Dr. Lois Youngen, one of roughly only 600 women to ever play professional baseball, stopped by to share her experiences. Youngen played in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League from 1951 until it folded in 1954 as a member of the Fort Wayne Daisies and South Bend Blue Sox teams during her four-year career. She primarily played catcher.
Looking Glass Board Member George Russell Honored As First Citizen
Looking Glass Quarterly CAEC Employee Recognition
Each quarter, the members of the Looking Glass Cultural Awareness and Equity Committee (CAEC) review nominations of staff members who have gone above and beyond their job requirements to promote cultural awareness and equity on the job. Nominations come mostly from staff peers. The winner, selected from the 4th quarterly meeting in 2023, is Sarai Barrera from the counseling program.
2023 Giving Tree Program Brings Cheer to At-Risk Youth!
This year’s Giving Tree program proved to be very fruitful for the youth and programs at Looking Glass! Staff were so thankful to the generosity of the community. Each program was able to spoil the youth we serve and provide a very happy holiday party and fulfill both the needs and wishes of each youth who requested gifts (more than 400 youth this year!).
Riverfront Skilled Trades Program Unveils Completed Tiny House
Students enrolled in the Looking Glass Riverfront School Skilled Trades Program recently completed construction of a Tiny House on behalf of SquareOne Villages. The house is now part of SquareOne’s Opportunity Village. SquareOne provided the materials through donations and grants and students in Riverfront’s Skilled Trades Program constructed the house in just a little over four months. Multiple local media outlets gathered for an unveiling of the tiny house on November 15th.
ODHS Director Presented Community Leadership Award at Looking Glass Annual Board Meeting
At the annual board meeting for Looking Glass Community Services, held this year at The Graduate Hotel on Wednesday, November 1st, CEO and President Craig Opperman presented the Looking Glass Community Leadership Award to Oregon Department of Human Services Director, Fariborz Pakseresht. This year’s annual board meeting included an update on the state of the agency, by Opperman, and was hosted by board member, Mary Reilly.
5th Annual Socktoberfest Sock Drive Generates 20,000 Pairs of Socks for Homeless Youth
The 5th annual “Socktoberfest” sock donation drive that runs the month of October each year, was a smashing success this year thanks to the generosity of community members and drive corporate sponsors. More than 20,000 pairs of socks came through, more than double the prior year’s haul! Socks are a crucial necessity for unhoused individuals and the New Roads staff often runs out of socks to hand out during the year so this annual drive has become very important.
Looking Glass opens new low-barrier homeless youth PEER shelter
Looking Glass Community Services has opened a new, low-barrier homeless youth shelter called the PEER Shelter (PEER stands for Persevere, Enlighten, Empower, Renew). The 24-hour accessible low-barrier shelter is for youth ages 16 – 24 years old who are unhoused or otherwise in crisis. The shelter provides youth at risk of being victimized on the streets, a safe, supervised living environment, medical care, basic needs, case management, and substance abuse and mental health treatment access to assist them in moving towards stabilization.
Looking Glass Makes the Top 100 Nonprofits to Work For in Oregon Again!
Looking Glass Healthy Kids Breakfast Event Brings in Money and SOCKS!
The 11th annual Looking Glass Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures breakfast fundraiser was held on Tuesday, October 17th at Venue 252 in Eugene and raised crucial funds for Looking Glass programs. In addition to funds, over 5,000 pairs of socks were received to help with the October-long sock donation drive (Socktoberfest) for homeless youth!
At this year’s breakfast, guests were treated to a Q&A panel of Looking Glass leaders, facilitated by Emcees Liz Kelly and Mary Reilly.
Community Partner Spotlight: Austin Folnagy, housing placement
Finding affordable, safe, quality housing is a challenge for a lot of people in Eugene and broader Lane County, but especially so for youth with limited rental history and sometimes criminal history. So it is particularly special to Looking Glass when a local community member agrees to long-term rental partnerships. Austin Folnagy is the most recent example of a willing and supportive landlord who enthusiastically embraces the opportunity to rent an entire complex to Looking Glass youth.
“It’s a way to give back, for sure,” Folnagy explained. “It’s a business, for sure, but by working with Looking Glass in this way, it’s a way to do good in our community too.”
Bushnell University Community Day Helps Spruce Up Looking Glass TLP Apartments
Students from Bushnell University volunteered to assist several area nonprofits and included Looking Glass in that group once again this year. The project this year utilized track athletes from Bushnell to help clean up landscaping and spread new bark at a new apartment rental complex that Looking Glass uses for transitional living clients (formerly homeless youth).