Rural Program — Looking Glass Community Services

Rural Program

Program Phone: 541-767-3823
620 E Whiteaker Ave - Cottage Grove, OR 97424

Our Rural Program moved into a newly remodeled building in the summer of 2024, thanks to the donations of dozens of local and regional foundations and individual donors. We love our new building!

The Rural Program assists homeless youth 11 to 21 years of age who are interested in creating long-term solutions that improve the quality of their lives. Services provided include:

  • Basic needs: The Drop-In Center offers homeless youth food, clothing, and other vital resources.

  • Street Outreach: Staff provide youth on the streets of Cottage Grove with gateway services, information, referrals, advocacy, and support.

  • Case Management: Case management services include a transitional living plan and assistance in finding stable housing. Youth are taught essential skills needed to acquire and maintain housing.

  • Employment: Youth are provided with employment guidance including resume preparation, skills training opportunities, interview preparation and job search and connectivity to employment.

Hours of operation for drop-in (staff are doing outreach but also available during earlier hours):

Monday thru Friday 2:30 PM to 5PM

Grant Number [90YO2516] from the Family and Youth Services Bureau within the Administration for Children and Families supports this program. Neither of these federal departments operate, control, or are responsible for this website.