Now that's a pile of coats! Thank you to Eugene Active 20-30 Club #920 and all the community members who donated coats to help our clients stay warm this winter and for years to come.
Loving our Amazing Community Partnerships!
Thank you to our friends at Columbia Bank (formerly Pacific Continental) who came to our Pathways Girls Program to do some much needed yard work. We can't provide our high quality of care and treatment without the support of volunteers!
New PITCH Program!
Have you heard about our newly launched PITCH Program? Our new residential treatment program fills the gap of services for foster youth populations who are at risk of becoming incarcerated or marginalized, or who have nowhere else to go. Children at PITCH are provided short term safe housing and targeted treatment services with 24-hour supervision. At Looking Glass we are always updating our services for the needs of our community.
2017 Coats for Kids Campaign <3
Coats for Kids is a community-wide event that The Eugene Active 20-30 Club has supported for more than 20 years! Club members join forces to find coats for local kids in need. Coat donation bins are placed in local businesses in and around Eugene and Springfield in October each fall. The coats are then taken to several local dry cleaners who donate their services to clean them! After the coats have been cleaned, our members sort and distribute them to local organizations that help support the needs of underprivileged children. The club’s goal is to collect and distribute over 2,600 coats in our community! Thank you to those who help make that possible!
Looking Glass is a recipient this year of the Coats for Kids Campaign. Look out for a bin near you to help a child in need!Thanks to Eugene Active 20-30 Club and the great work they do for our community and Looking Glass!
Visit for more information:
Join our FB Group!
Today we are launching a group for current and former volunteers and interns to stay in touch. All interns and volunteers can join and make sure to share with any fellow Looking Glass interns or volunteers that you know!
Facebook Group: Looking Glass Volunteers and Interns
Wraparound Services: The Next Phase of Education Reform...
Great article on the importance of providing students with mental health services and nutritious food to make sure they can succeed in school. Looking Glass Riverfront School & Career Center, Center Point School, and New Roads School provide a variety of services beyond education so our students have the chance to graduate High School or attain a GED.
Read the article here --> Wraparound Services: The Next Phase of Education Reform
Client Success Story!!
"Shannon" at Looking Glass Riverfront School & Career Center struggles with mental health issues including anxiety and PTSD from past trauma. She grew up in a home with an alcoholic mother and the chaotic home life led Shannon to drop out of high school. She was reluctant to come to GED classes at Riverfront because of her anxiety, but Riverfront worked with her one-on-one and helped her gain the skills to study on her own. Shannon recently passed three of her GED tests with high scores and plans on attending community college in the fall.
At Looking Glass we strive to serve our clients in any way we can, doing what it takes to help our clients reach their goals
Myth vs. Fact
Suicide Myth: Suicide Happens Without Warning
Fact: Most teens who attempt or die by suicide have communicated their distress or plans to at least one other person. These communications are not always direct, so it is important to know some of the key warning signs of suicide.
Check out this website to see more myths & facts that could help you stay more informed on what to look for:
What are some ways you have cared for someone who was struggling with depression?
What has someone done for you that helped when you were dealing with depression?
Please head over to our Facebook page to leave your comments and stories! Lets start the conversation!
National Suicide Prevention Week!
As part of National Suicide Prevention Week, we will be passing along some information about suicide through the week.
If you have a friend or family member who you think is at-risk or having suicidal ideations, you can always ask "are you ok?" Do your best to be available and demonstrate that people care about their well being.
For moments of crisis or if you need immediate advice, call our Crisis Line at 1-888-989-9990 or 541-689-3111
eBay for Charity!
Are you an avid eBay shopper or seller? You can now support Looking Glass while using eBay! If you sell something on eBay you can set a percentage of the sale to go towards Looking Glass. Not only can you help support us, but it reduces your fees and improves the odds of a sale.
Make sure to favorite our page and happy bidding!!
Click here --->
Register Guard : A hand up, not a hand out
Great piece from the Register Guard on Looking Glass
As part of the series on homeless that the Register-Guard editorial board has been publishing, Looking Glass' Station 7 and New Roads programs were highlighted as
Here is the introduction below:
Ask 17-year-old Alex how his family became homeless, and he has a short answer: “It was in the wake of the recession.”
Ask where he would have been without Looking Glass Community Services and he pauses, and then says: “I try not to think about that, the what-ifs."
Keep reading at the Register-Guard