Back to School Book Sale!

Calling all parents and teachers! Coming up Mon., Aug. 28, 10:00 - 4:00, it's the don't-miss Back to School Book Sale at the Downtown Library. Find books, media, and other gently-used educational items for just $1 each, all thanks to the Friends of Eugene Public Library! --> Bethel School DistrictSpringfield Public Schools - ORUnited Way of Lane CountyLooking GlassOregon Community ProgramsBoys & Girls Clubs of Emerald ValleyFOOD For Lane CountyMECCA: Materials Exchange Center for the Community ArtsGoodwill Industries of Lane and South Coast CountiesSt. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County

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Young Woman Finds a Home with help from Eugene Area Non-Profits


It was amazing to be named as one of the local non-profits in this area to aid Shara on her road to success. See the story on KLCC by follwoing the link :

We are always looking to collaborate with community partners to assist families in need. You can always help, either through monetary, clothing, household donations or by donating your time to volunteer.

Center Point School Success <3

Looking Glass’ Center Point School has found a creative way to keep students engaged, while showing off their talents! The students in this summer term’s Mural Painting class are beginning to create beautiful images and designs in our back hallway! This is going to be an on-going project in which students can share their talents while contributing to a positive school environment.

We will be sharing pictures in the weeks to come, so stay tuned!


A little bit about Center Point School, in case you are wondering:
This registered alternative school offers academic services in a therapeutic school environment for middle and high school aged youth with emotional, neurological, and/or behavioral issues. Highly trained, dedicated and caring professional staff offer expertise in mental health treatment, special education, and counseling. Services for families address trust, communication skills, conflict resolution, incentives and consequences for behavior, and relationship dynamics.

Services provided by Center Point include:
• Year round programming
• On-site, individualized education
• Social skill development in a therapeutic milieu
• Therapeutic recreation
• On-site therapist
• Family consultation and education
• Comprehensive mental health, psychosocial, and educational assessments
• Coordination and linkage to community supports, as needed
• Aftercare referrals
Services are designed for youth who:
• Have documented lack of progress over time in less restrictive educational settings
• Have experienced chronic school failure across multiple settings
• Are eligible for residential services and can adequately be served in the community with additional support
• Are returning to the community following residential treatment

As always, if you have any questions about this program, or other programs and services we offer, please feel free to reach out to us! We are a community resource.

Client Success Story <3

We would like to share with you one of our client success stories! A 20 year old, female client at Riverfront School and Career Center attended our ILP (Independent Living Program) and recently completed the Individual Account Program (a matched savings program). She currently works as a caregiver and is about to move into her own apartment. She saved $750 and ILP will match that with $1,500 so that she can purchase household items for her new apartment. She is also preparing to attend Lane Community College in the fall, taking general education classes with the intent of majoring in Criminal Justice.


Riverfront School & Career Center is an accredited alternative school, offering education and vocational training for at-risk and out-of-school youth, ages 11-21. Riverfront’s mission is to "guide and support youth in developing the knowledge, responsibility, and the social skills necessary for productive citizenship." Services provided by the Riverfront School & Career Center include:
• Comprehensive career and basic skill assessment.
• Basic skill instruction (reading, writing, and math).
• Academic instruction toward a high school diploma and GED instruction.
• Basic computer skills instruction.
• Work readiness skills training and job search assistance and placement.
• Vocational training and academic credit are available through the Lane-Metro Youth Corps (ages 14 to 24), Job Training Program (ages 14 to 21), Riverfront Café (ages 14 to 21), and Health Occupations Training (ages 16 to 21).
• Assistance with transportation, job search clothing, child care, and GED testing.
• Independent Living Program for youth in foster care.

If you have any questions about Riverfront, or any other services we offer, please feel free to reach out to us. We are a community resource.

Salsa Del Rio Official Facebook Page!

For all your Salsa Del Rio needs, there is now an offical Facebook page that you can follow for updates and order placement! --->

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Salsa del Rio is a youth-run business located at Riverfront School in Eugene, Oregon. Riverfront School is an accredited alternative school, offering education and vocational training for at-risk and out-of-school youth, ages 11-21. Riverfront’s mission is to "guide and support youth in developing the knowledge, responsibility, and the social skills necessary for productive citizenship." All proceeds help to fund the school’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Program.

We are so proud to be part of this community!! <3