May! Mental Health Awareness Month!


May is Mental Health Awareness Month! One in five kids suffers from a mental health issue. Let's stop the stigma and start talking! Below are five ways you can support Mental Health Awareness Month!

1. Know how to help someone in a crisis : About 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime. These are our friends, family members, and loved ones who may be experiencing symptoms of mental health issues that aren’t obvious or visible. Keep resources on hand, learn how to recognize the signs, and know where you would go for help if someone you care about were to experience a crisis. 

2. Share your experiences : Whether it’s a story about treatment or how your life is impacted by a mental health issue, sharing your experiences can be powerful for you and others. During Mental Health Awareness Month, we encourage readers to consider sharing their stories with us, sharing with someone they trust, or sharing with a licensed therapist if their experiences are causing distress.

3. Understand the power of language and how it can contribute to stigma : Stigma toward mental health issues and treatment often stems from the way we come to understand concepts through pop culture and influential others. Many commonly used phrases and idioms can contribute to misunderstanding and a reluctance to seek treatment for fear of being perceived as “weak” or “crazy.” Help challenge the stigma in your corner of the world by spending some time thinking and reading about how words and experiences may feel from a different perspective.

4. Take care of yourself : One of the best ways we can contribute to improved mental health, better relationships, and healthier communities is to make sure we are managing ourselves and meeting our own needs. For people who tend to help others first, this can be feel selfish and difficult. However, it may be helpful to apply the same concept in which airline crews tell you to don your own oxygen mask before assisting others. Contact a mental health professional or treatment center if you need help with this. 

5. Join the conversation : 

Throughout the month, you’ll likely see some hashtags related to Mental Health Awareness Month on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. It’s common for some mental health organizations to organize conversations around specific hashtags, but there are also some general ones people can use to be part of the conversation. Some we’ll be using include:

  • #MHM2017
  • #mentalhealth
  • #MentalHealthAwareness
  • #MentalHealthMatters
  • #endthestigma

Find us at the U of O Job Fair!

We will be attending the University of Oregon Job Fair this spring! Be sure to stop by our booth for more information about us and how you can be more involved in our amazing community! 

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Spring Career Fair 2017

 Wednesday, May 3 at 12:00pm to 4:00pm

 Erb Memorial Union (EMU), Ballroom 
1395 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403

This is the last chance of the year to connect with over 100 companies and organizations here in search of talented job candidates. Their next hire could be you! Polish your resume and join us in the EMU Ballroom between 12:00pm and 4:00pm!


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It's National Human Trafficking Awareness Day!! 

Today in the United States, it is estimated that 100,000 children annually are being lured into the commercial sex industry and sold for profit. While service providers often have the best access to the most at-risk and victimized youth in our communities, a lack of understanding of this issue coupled with inadequate training impedes the identification of exploited children. Visit the COA website at for some awesome resources to learn, share and take action!

Looking Glass Community Services just added a Sex Trafficking Prevention Specialist position to our Runaway and Homeless Youth Services in order to help spread awareness and understanding within our community, as well as assist at-risk youth in combating this issue.



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#Volunesia: That moment when you forget you're volunteering to help change lives, because it's changing yours...

We can't thank the lovely staff over at the W. 11th Eugene Starbucks  enough for volunteering their time to help us wrap presents for the students over at Riverfront School! We appreciate your dedication and support tremendously!! <3

If you would like to volunteer with Looking Glass Community Services please head over to our website and fill out a volunteer application! For any questions please contact our Administrative Office at 541.686.2688

Fundraising Nights with the Ducks

Looking Glass Community Services is proud to announce that we are one of the featured agencies for "Fundraising Nights with the Ducks".

For 3 games of the season, you can receive discounted basketball tickets by using the link and promo code below. In addition to discounted tickets, $3 of every ticket purchase will go directly back to Looking Glass.

This is such a fun and effortless way to support some of your local non-profits, so get your tickets while they're still available!!!


Promo Code: 2016LOOKINGGLASS


• December 11th vs Alabama
• December 28th vs UCLA
• February 16th vs Utah

For any questions please contact Alex Butier at 541-346-8467 or

More Giving Trees Around Town!


Looking Glass now has Giving Trees at a number of different locations around town!!

- 5th Street Market (outside of Title 9 on the second floor)
- US Bank (on 29th and Willamette)
- Santa Clara US Bank
- US Bank (on Mohawk Blvd.)
- US Bank (Coburg Crescent)
- Oregon Contemporary Theater
- The Hult Center (starting 12/16)
- Oakway Center
- Valley River Center

Stop by and grab an ornament or tag and help brighten the holiday season for a youth in need. <3 We appreciate all the support we receive from the community so much.


Catch Us On KEZI!

KEZI News ran a great story on youth homelessness in Lane County. Looking Glass Community Services is the only nationally accredited Runaway and Homeless Youth provider in the state of Oregon and the only state licensed shelter for Runaway and Homeless Youth in Lane County.


EUGENE, Ore. -- An issue no one wants to see in our community, homelessness.

It is affecting the youngest in our area.

There are thousands of teens and young adults trying to survive every day, after running away from home or living on the streets.

But there are local nonprofits and survivors wanting to share their stories to put a stop to this problem.

The local nonprofit, Looking Glass, said youth homelessness is one of the biggest setbacks our community faces.

There are not enough resources to help everyone in need.

This nonprofit is making a difference in young people's lives every day.

"I just realized I'm so sick of how things are I want better than this," Jessica Russell, former shelter resident.

Twenty year old Jessica Russell, remembers the tough times in her childhood...

"It all starts with the fact that that I grew up in severe poverty," said Russell.

Russell lived in Sweet Home with her two brothers, her mom and her mom's boyfriend.

Starting at the young age of four, their family started dodging conflict, moving from one place to another.

"We never really lived anywhere longer than 8 months," said Russell.

By the age of 12 she had lived all over the state.

She put roots down anywhere from Sweet Home to Bonanza to Crescent.

During this time, she attended ten different.

"It was really hard because I loved school I had bad anxiety switching schools is really hard for me to make friends. I don't think I had a friend until I was 10," said Russell.

By the time she was 12, her family made it to Eugene but they were still living in confined and unstable environments.

"We were living in a family living room. I slept on the couch my mom on the love seat my brothers on a mattress on the floor," said Russell.

After a few years of living in another family's home, she and her family the family moved into an RV.

Even though Jessica was finally in one place, she still had a difficult time making school a priority.

"I couldn't shower regularly and it was out of town so I couldn't really get to school," said Russell.

Jessica said she wanted more from her life.

Her counselor told her about a local nonprofit that helps homeless and at risk youth.

"Looking Glass saved my life. I don't know where I would be without Looking Glass," said Russell.

When Jessica was 16 she found her way to the nonprofit.

Looking Glass staff worked with her and decided the latter housing project would be the best fit.

She moved into a studio apartment in Eugene and for the first time she was completely on her own.

Living by herself in a stable environment allowed Jessica to catch up on her credits and graduate high school.

But, Jessica is just one young adult receiving help from Looking Glass.

Officials with the nonprofit said youth homelessness is a growing problem in our area.

"The number of homeless youth and homelessness in our community now is unacceptable. We need to make better progress," said Craig Opperman, the president of looking glass.

Nonprofit officials said it is hard to come up with exact numbers of how many homeless youth are in our area because they are always on the move.

"A lot of them don't have a stable address a lot of them aren't really able to follow through on commencements because something may happen in their lives," said Opperman.

The nonprofit said they provide assistance to 32 youth each day and provides outreach services to more than 3,000 youth a year.

"They are on the streets for a reason, they are running away for a reason they have left a tough situation sometimes have been traumatized," said Opperman.

To help those young adults transitioning, they provide services ranging from counseling, to food, clothing shelter and education.

"I would rather help them at this stage, then have to pay for prisons later on hospitals later on, for the morgue later on," said Opperman.

Now Jessica is a part of that mission, giving back to a place that has given so much to her.

She is a newly hired night assistant at Station Seven.

She helps young adults adjust to staying at the shelter.

Now she is sharing her story and hopes to inspire other that may be where she once was.

 Looking Glass also works closely with law enforcement and other community organizations to help anyone who needs assistance.

The nonprofit has a 24 hour seven day a week hotline, that anyone can call day or night to get access to services, to find a shelter or find help anywhere in the community.

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