Purchase your Salsa del Rio here!


The Small Business Class at Looking Glass' Riverfront School is ready to sell both
red and green enchilada sauce packets!! The dry chile mix is a multi-purpose mix, made out of the finest, most authentic chilies from Hatch, New Mexico. Our sauce packets are made with all-natural ingredients, both GMO and Gluten-Free. Originally the recipe was prepared as an enchilada sauce mix, but we've found that you can use it for almost anything. Simply add water, and you’re ready to go! We like to use the sauce as a topping for burritos, tamales, huevos rancheros, or to add to taco meat or a chili recipe. 

The festive red and green packaging is perfect for the upcoming season and would make a perfect gift for everyone on your holiday list! 

Purchase yours here >>> www.salsadelrio.com


Riverfront School's Small Business Class!

Salsa del Rio is a youth-run business located at Riverfront School in Eugene, Oregon. Riverfront School is an accredited alternative school, offering education and vocational training for at-risk and out-of-school youth, ages 11-21. Riverfront’s mission is to "guide and support youth in developing the knowledge, responsibility, and the social skills necessary for productive citizenship." All proceeds help to fund the school’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Program.


So wonderful seeing youth from the Small Business Class at Riverfront School out at the market selling their green & red Salsa del Rio enchilada sauce packets! Thanks for your support Eugene Saturday Market and be sure to get them while you…

So wonderful seeing youth from the Small Business Class at Riverfront School out at the market selling their green & red Salsa del Rio enchilada sauce packets! Thanks for your support Eugene Saturday Market and be sure to get them while you can! These would make a fantastic holiday gift for your loved ones!

Giving Trees at Valley River!!


It’s that time of the year again friends! Help bring some holiday magic to a local child! <3

>>> The Giving Trees are now up at Valley River Center! From November 4th – December 4th the Giving Trees will be located between Café Aroma and JCPenney. Simply pick up an ornament and donate a gift to a child in need. Also, if you are wanting to specifically help a child from Looking Glass Community Services, look out for the golden-colored ornaments. We appreciate your support and so do the children within our community that will have gifts to open because of this wonderful holiday project.


Shop at Whole Foods Market + Support Looking Glass!


Shop at Whole Foods Market on November 23rd to Support Looking Glass!! <3

>>> Are you planning on ordering a turkey or other Thanksgiving food supplies in the coming weeks? If so, please consider shopping/ordering from Whole Foods Market to benefit Looking Glass!

We have been selected by Whole Foods to receive a donation of 5% of total sales on Wednesday, November 23rd.

That’s right, 5% of all sales made at Whole Foods on the day before Thanksgiving are going to Looking Glass!

This also applies to pre-orders that are picked up on the 23rd. That means that you can order your turkey and other holiday table foods now, purchase and pick them up the day before the big event, and support Looking Glass - all in one fell swoop!

You can make your order online at any time using the following link:
>>>> https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/shop/EUG/2880

You may also order in person at the store beginning on November 14th. Remember, the final purchase must be made on the 23rd in order to benefit Looking Glass. This is a tremendous opportunity, so please help us spread the word by sharing with your friends and family!

Thanks for your support!


Feminine Hygiene Products Drive!

Did you know that feminine hygiene products are some of the most needed items at shelters?

They are also some of the least donated.

The Women's Advisory Council for Youth (WACY), a leadership group for girls at Ophelia's Place, is running a tampon and pad drive to benefit Looking Glass Station 7.

Please drop off donations at Ophelia's Place through October 26th & feel free to share this post with your friends!

Thank you so much Ophelia's Place for your continuous support! 

Ophelias Place.jpg

How to GIVE MORE at No Extra Cost!

As the holidays approach, many of us purchase gifts for our loved ones (and ourselves) online. Before you place your order on Cyber Monday, make sure your Amazon account is linked with AmazonSmile!

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. A portion of your purchase will be donated to an organization of your choice, which includes Looking Glass Community Services! It’s an effortless way to support Looking Glass all year long and especially during the giving season! Please feel free to share this post with family & friends.

For more information on AmazonSmile visit: 

>>>> http://smile.amazon.com/ch/93-0605174

Supplies for the Students!

Looking Glass' Center Point School is proud to provide all of the supplies and materials our students need to have a successful school experience. Unfortunately, like many schools, resources can be limited. Center Point School and adoptaclassroom.org have joined together to help ensure that resources are always available to continue to provide these supplies. 100% of donations will go to the Center Point School classrooms and any amount will help our students in their progress toward their educational and behavioral goals.

>>>> http://app.adoptaclassroom.org/classroomdonation/results_teacher.aspx?classroomid=196931

If you have any question please do not hesitate to send us a message or give our Administrative Office a call at 541.686.2688.

Thank you for your support 

Come see us at the Volunteer Fair!


Come out and join us at Northwest Christian University' Volunteer Fair! Looking Glass Community Services will be doing some volunteer recruitment and we would love to see you all there! We greatly appreciate the volunteers that dedicate their time to our organization because it really does make a tremendous difference!

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much!" - Helen Keller 


Looking for Host Home Volunteers!


Looking Glass' Rural Program is now recruiting Host Home volunteers! We're looking for adults who have space for youth and are willing to open their home to them for temporary emergency housing (1 to 21 nights) in the Cottage Grove and Creswell areas.

Looking Glass provides training and comprehensive support to Host Home providers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Host Home providers receive a generous monthly stipend (regardless of whether or not youth are placed in the home any given month) as well as an added stipend for each night a youth is in the home.

If you are interested and want to learn more, please give us a call at our Rural Program: 541.767.3823. We greatly appreciate your constant support!