Our CEO enjoying the Annual Summer Picnic with one of our Board members & his wife - two of our fantastic long time Looking Glass supporters!
Annual Summer Picnic!
The Looking Glass Annual Summer Picnic was a huge success and we thank everyone for taking the time to come out with their families to enjoy the festivities!!
Tuesday's are for Baseball!
Looking Glass was the featured agency at Tuesday's Eugene Emeralds baseball game and some of our wonderful staff came out to support our COO while he threw the first pitch with the help of his adorable son!
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
If you are thinking about suicide or know someone who is, please do not hesitate to contact out 24-hour Youth Helpline: 541.689.3111 - People are available 24/7 to offer assistance!
New Looking Glass Youth Shelter - We need YOUR help!
We are in urgent need of items to help furnish our new Looking Glass Community Services Youth Shelter. Please click on the link below to view the list of items we are asking for (furnishings & storage solutions, cleaning/cooking supplies and activities for youth to participate in during their time at the Shelter). Each of your contributions will assist us in providing essential services to at-risk youth within our community. Please also feel free to SHARE THIS POST with your friends & family to help spread the word!!
>>>> https://amzn.com/w/19ERNCEW8P1XS
We greatly appreciate all your support and generosity! <3
Bicycles, luggage, and phone chargers!
Do you have a box full of phone chargers that you never use anymore or an old but functional bike collecting dust in the garage? Maybe you have a bunch of used luggage taking up space in your attic that you’re hoping to get rid of?
Looking Glass Community Services is currently seeking bicycle, luggage and phone charger donations for at-risk adolescents in our programs. Your donations are 100% tax deductible! If you have any of the items mentioned above that you are willing to donate, please email or call our Administrative Office at 541.686.2688
We greatly appreciate the support and generosity we receive from our local community! :)
Distinguished Service Award Winners
We'd like to congratulate our Distinguished Service Award winners from our annual All-Staff Meeting:
- Suanne Boyd
- Kimberly Farley
- Elena Nielsen
- Sylvie Delpy Chotard
We appreciate the amazing effort you all make to go above and beyond in addition to the exemplary standards you set as part of the Looking Glass Community Services team. Wonderful job ladies!! <3
All-Staff Meeting
We had an amazing turnout at our annual All-Staff Meeting this year. It was great to see so many people eager to learn more about the different programs within the agency and the hardworking people that make up Looking Glass Community Services.
New Shelter Program for Youth Coming Soon!!
Coming Soon! Looking Glass Community Services in partnership with the State of Oregon’s Department of Human Services and Lane County is excited to announce the opening of a new shelter program for youth. We are now hiring for all program positions in an effort to begin this important service in our community as soon as possible. Please visit our website at www.lookingglass.us for employment opportunities.
The Looking Glass Shelter is a community-based treatment shelter for males and females, ages 12 – 18. While sheltered, youth will receive behavioral rehabilitation services including individual, family, and group counseling. Lengths of stay will be individualized and based on youth and family need. The shelter will open with a capacity of 14 and with potential to grow that capacity to 21 youth/night.
Zonta International Women's Day Forum
Looking Glass Community Services attended the International Women's Day Forum Luncheon hosted by Zonta International. During the event they discussed gender wage equality as Zonta's platform focuses on advancing the status of women worldwide. We had a wonderful time!
Whole Kids Foundation Contribution!
Looking Glass has received a $2,000 from the Whole Kids Foundation to sustain and grow our Stepping Stone Learning Garden. At-risk youth in our program use the garden to learn a variety of scientific concepts as well as grow, harvest, and prepare nutritious food for the school cafeteria. Stepping Stone’s Learning Garden is an example of what is possible when at-risk youth, many of whom have been written off or considered destined for a life “in the system,” are given the opportunity and resources to change their way of thinking, coping, and interacting with the world around them. We invest in these youth in the same way that they invest in their garden; with care, time, patience, and support, they too can grow, change, and reap the rewards of their hard work. Thank you Whole Kids Foundation for your generous support of Looking Glass’ Stepping Stone program!
For more information visit: www.wholekidsfoundation.org
Coquille Tribal Fund Community Grant
On February 25, Looking Glass received a $2,500 grant for its Rural Program from the Coquille Tribal Community Fund. The Rural Program, located in Cottage Grove, provides vital supportive services and emergency shelter to runaway and homeless youth, ages 11-17, in South Lane County.
Founded in 2001 by the Coquille Indian Tribe, the Tribal Community Fund has distributed more than $5.5 million to support projects in the areas of education, health, public safety, arts and culture, problem gaming treatment and historic preservation, in a five-county region of Southwestern Oregon. This year the Fund awarded grants totaling $400,000. The Fund reflects the commitment of the Coquille Indian Tribe to take a proactive, positive role in the community’s wellbeing. Supported by a percentage of revenue from The Mill Casino, the fund is managed and distributed by a board of community leaders and Tribal representatives.
For more information, visit the Fund’s website atwww.coquilletribalfund.org.