Outreach team members out front of New Roads homeless youth drop-in center
Thanks in part to a capacity building grant awarded from Lane County (via HUD) in 2022, Looking Glass New Roads homeless youth program has expanded both its outreach team and operating hours for the drop-in center located on 7th Avenue in Eugene. The outreach team doubled in size from a staff of 4 to staff of 8 and New Roads went from providing services Monday-Friday 8:30 to 5 to now offering 7-day-a-week services from 8:30AM to 8:30PM.
Outreach team members in front of the New Roads drop in center lobby.
“It has been a long term goal of HYS to open New Roads Urban Drop-in Center 7 days per week and expand service hours into the evening,” explained Looking Glass Homeless Youth Services Director Maleigha Myers. “Whether it be because of safety, weather, employment, sleep hygiene, or any other reason, it seemed like our old operating hours were creating more barriers than we would like. By expanding our team and our service hours, we are reducing barriers resulting in a greater ability to connect with more youth and meet them where they are at in their process of stabilizing their lives.”
New Roads provides 3 meals each day to unhoused youth ages 16-21 along with access to showers, laundry, storage lockers and other basic needs. The outreach team proactively seeks out youth in Lane County with efforts to educate and ultimately engage these youth and offer support.
An outreach team member at New Roads helps a youth with clothes from the donation area.
The clothing closet at New Roads provides youth with clean, weather-appropriate clothing options as well as shoes and (when available) sleeping bags, tents and tarps. Donations of these items are always in need!
Case managers work out of New Roads office, providing ongoing support as well as housing assistance, among many other services.