Imagination International Graphic Artist Matt Brundage shows some of his drawing techniques to Center Point students.
Over multiple visits in recent months, local graphic artist Matt Brundage, on loan from Eugene’s Imagination International Inc, spent hours with Looking Glass students at Riverfront and Center Point Schools teaching youth about drawing techniques. In addition to showing off his amazing artistic skills, Matt brought humor and fun into the classrooms at Looking Glass.
A Center Point student looks, in awe, at art work done by Matt Brundage.
“One important detail I think should be captured is Matt’s humble and humorous approach to his own art, and to art in general,” explained Chris Gordon, Educational and Behavioral Specialist at Center Point. “The message he kept delivering was that if you are not satisfied with the art work you’ve done, then you haven’t had enough fun yet. This was paired with the idea that there are no mistakes in art, just events that take you some place you didn’t plan on going. He framed “mistakes” as essential to the creative process, and gave examples of his own “disasters” that were well received by others. By the end he was able to walk all the students through the process of completing a drawing in a way they felt comfortable and satisfied with, as he poked fun at his own work while he was modeling it for them.”
Matt illustrates some of his facial drawing techniques on the white board at Center Point School.
Student quote: “Can we have this guy come every day?”
Thank you to Imagination International for creating this incredible opportunity and to Matt for spending time with our students and having so much fun with them!
Hillary Darland, Director of Philanthropy at Imagination International, explained why they feel it is important to share their talents in the community in this way: “At iii our company mission is "Create, Share, Care" and we believe in community through the arts. Our core business is providing people with access to world-class art supplies and providing amazing organizations with donations is a small way we can give access to more people."
More examples of Matt’s amazing artwork, shared with youth at Center Point School.