Program Spotlight: Riverfront Job Training Program

Brianna Vincent, Services Manager of Riverfront School and Career Center in front of the Job Training "Success Tree" to celebrate current and past client achievements.

Brianna Vincent, Services Manager of Riverfront School and Career Center in front of the Job Training "Success Tree" to celebrate current and past client achievements.

The Job Training Program, which operates out of the Looking Glass Riverfront School and Career Center, is a uniquely-designed program that prepares youth, ages 14-24, for success in the workforce in multiple ways. The Job Training Program has been in operation since the late 80's and is funded through the Lane Workforce Partnership. The program serves 80 youth annually.

The majority of clients served are out-of-school, low-income youth who also experience some other barrier to success. Barriers may include documented disabilities, homelessness, foster youth, teen parent, involvement in the juvenile justice system, and other setbacks that inhibit a youth's ability to successfully enter the workforce and retain employment.

An integral aspect of the Job Training Program is the provision of 3-6 month work experiences. Youth receive placements in various local businesses which match their area of interest, be it healthcare, retail, construction, cosmetology, culinary arts, graphic design... you name it! In addition to the provision of real workforce experiences, youth  receive training in financial literacy, resume writing, mock-interviewing and more.

"I really enjoy watching these youth develop into strong, independent adults. It’s amazing to watch them develop skills and have successes that they didn’t think were possible," said Brianna Vincent, Services Manager of the program.

Looking Glass is always interested in creating partnerships with local businesses to expand and enhance this valuable service. The youth earn wages through the program, so the partnership comes at no cost to our business partners. Please contact Brianna Vincent, Services Manager at if you manage a local business and would like to learn more and get involved!